Tangotheatre Kiuta is a free dance theatre group established by Marjo Kiukaanniemi and Timo Hakkarainen in 2011.
It uses Argentine tango as a tool and choreographic base in it's performances.
Marjo and Timo have studied Argentinian tango together around the world since 2009.
In performative tango Marjo and Timo hold on to the core of Argentinian tango as a social dance: listening to one's partner, shared musicality and dynamic motion. Further, in Kiuta’s performances Argentine tango is joined together with physical theatre, partnering techniques of contemporary dance and unusual topics for tango. The soul and core of Kiuta´s performances are live music, strong stories, subtle humor and silent power. Kiuta's productions have been performed about 120 times in 11 countries and 40 cities.
Tangotheatre Kiuta has emerged from an urge to leave a remark... even a small one.
© Wim Lagendijk
M.A. (Dance), B.A. (Musical Theatre)
artistic director
choreographer - dancer - singer - violin player
Marjo is a dancer and dance teacher who has completed her professional studies in contemporary dance. She has danced Argentine tango since 2005. Marjo is also a professional musical theatre performer who sings and plays violin, keyboards and percussions. In her career Marjo has performed as a dancer, singer and actor, taught, choreographed, accompanied and played music since 2004.
D.Sc. (Tech)
artistic director
choreographer - dancer - bass player
Timo is a researcher who finished his Ph.D. in physics. He has danced tango since 2009. From his youth Timo has a strong background in sports including ball games, powerlifting and martial arts. He also plays bass guitar and upright bass. Timo has worked as a teacher of argentine tango and a performer in pro dance & theatre productions since 2013. Timo also works as medical physicist at Oulu University Hospital.
”Argentiinan rytmit nostattivat tunnelmaa’’ - Ylä-Karjala (news paper), 21st of November
”Porissa voi nähdä lauantaina harvinaista tangoteatteria’’ - Satakunnan kansa (news paper), 18th of September
“Tohtori valitsi yliopistouran sijaan tangon - Gnomos saa ensi-iltansa Tapiolassa’’ - Länsiväylä (news paper) 26th of November
"Tangoaskeleet puhuttelevat" - Kallio-lehti, Munkin Seutu (news papers), 4th of April
”Kuinka ottaisit viimeiset askeleesi’’ - Koti-Kajaani (news paper), 7th of February
"Fysiikan tohtorista tanssitaiteilijaksi" - Sotkamo-lehti (news paper), 23rd of January
"Viimeinen tango pommisuojassa" - Helsingin Sanomat (news paper), 4th of March
a radio interview - Radio Show Roca (General Roca, Argentina), 17th of March
"Tangoteatterin luovat uskalikot" - Tango blog by Christer Jansen, 20th of March
"Tangon rajoja kärsii rynkytellä" - Yle Puheen Aamu (radio), 30th of May
"Uusi tangotapahtuma Suomeen kesäkuussa" - ET-lehti (magazine), 31h of May
"Tango on tunteiden tanssi" - Yle Radio 1, Kultaakuume (radio), 5th of June
"Teatteri tuo leikin tangoon" - Helsingin Sanomat (news paper), 6th of June
"De Finlandia, con baile y mensaje" - Clarin (newspaper), 8th of November
"Duendes que bailan tango" - La Nación (newspaper), 9th of November
"Peikoille hurrataan lasten teatterifestarilla" - Länsiväylä (news paper), 16th of March
"Peikot tanssivat teatterifestareilla" - Länsiväylä (news paper), 16th of March
"Peikoilta sujuu myös tango" - Helsingin Sanomat (news paper), 19th of March
"Olen tanssiva tangometsän eläin" - Cult 24 (magazine), 15th of April
SUPPORT 2012-2024
City of Oulu Cultural Office
Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation
Arts Promotion Centre Finland
City of Helsinki Cultural Office
European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Finnish Cultural Foundation
Finnish Cultural Foundation (Uusimaa)
Ministry of Education and Culture
Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation
Tanssin Talo ry
The Finnish-Norwegian Foundation
Talvikki Eerola, The Flying Gorillas (UK), Jari Forstadius Photgraphy, Severi Haapala, Harmonica Quartet Sväng, Tapani Heikinheimo, Mari Heiskanen, Sharman Jagadeensan, Johanna Juhola, Antero Kemppi, Kauri Klemelä, Matias Koivuniemi, Jere Kolehmainen, Harri Kuusijärvi, Seppo Kärki, Jaakko Laitinen, Elina Lajunen, Maria Elisabet & Pasi Lauren, Noora Lehtovuori, Jukka Mantere, Tuukka Martiskainen, Hanna Ollikainen, Gonzalo Orihuela (AR), Hannu Oskala, Immanuel Pax, Juho Poutiainen, Marko Puro, Sami Rantanen, Ollantay Rojas, Anna Vihanta